As usual there was plenty of good reading last week. I hope that as you read each of these posts that you take the time to bookmark the blogs and subscribe to their feeds. Most of the people who are featured in this weekly wrap up consistently deliver quality thinking and content – and I would encourage you to connect, comment and subscribe to their blogs. It’s the social thing to do!
- Rachel Happe seeks to provide some clarity in amongst the chaos of our news and information rich world, sharing some tips for making decisions in a networked world.
- If every blog, every Facebook page and every tagged or location based check-in on FourSquare or Instagram can count as a branded impression – how do we value (and cost out) our marketing programs? Shiv Singh wonders the same thing – when a trillion impressions aren’t enough.
- Many of us are “professionally creative” – that is we use our creativity as part of everyday work. And while we can often fall victim to “writer’s block” or other creative deadzones, most of the time, we need to be creative on purpose. Drew McLellan explains some of the things that keep him at the top of his game.
- I love this post and the image from Mark Hancock. He claims this post is For Planners Only, but it is – in truth – for all of us.
- In case you missed it, birthday boy David Armano shares six thoughts on where Google+ is going. Some clarity in a sea of speculation.
Thanks for the props Gavin – hope your well there.