3 thoughts on “MarketingProfs Book Club Open

  1. Who says bookworms aren’t cool?
    The book is great too. I really have enjoyed it. Lots of good stuff in it… but I’ll just talk about it with the cool kids.

  2. I don’t want to be a piker…but I don’t know what that is (?). Tell me quicksmart.
    As for opening day, I have to say this: I met a lot of NEW people (but of course I love the ones I already know). Lots of cool marketers abound. Come on by, this party rocks 24/7 and, being that I don’t sleep, you’ll likely run into me…and maybe even Buffy.

  3. Ha ha! I knew you would like that one! A “piker” is somone who is tries something but in a small or cautious way. So NOT being a piker means jumping in and giving the task at hand your full attention and energy.
    As for me, I am all over that book club.

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