Despite my lack of interest in market research, whenever I get a call from a research firm I tend to agree to take the survey. And as I am listening, I am thinking "that is the wrong question", or "that question should have been worded differently …" and so on … but I still take it.
I must admit, I feel VERY sorry for those making the call … you can hear the defeat in their voice. And I kind of like to hear a little perkiness in their tone as I say "I’d be happy to answer your questions for 25 minutes". The point is, I take the survey, because I feel that this does, in some small way, support the industry in which I work.
So today, when I say this request for survey takers on Mario Sundar’s blog, I couldn’t resist. And if YOU have a couple of minutes to spare, jump over and complete it too. You’d be helping us all really.