Blogging a Conference

Blog Widow
Originally uploaded by kk+.

If you are going to a conference and are planning on blogging it, Josh Hall has some great tips on how to make your life easier. I was following a little hypertext love and found this great article courtesy of the BarCamp wiki for Seattle.

His checklist covers hardware, software, strategy, planning and teamwork. Much of this applies to blogging away from home as well. Importantly, you need to remember to use Technorati, Flickr or even CoComment to reach out to other bloggers who are at the event.

The BarCamp phenomenon is intriguing and is a great way of bringing localised communities together — interesting to see if one materialises in Sydney!

Oh … and couldn’t resist his photo … it keeps popping up in my searches, so finally I gave in!


One thought on “Blogging a Conference

  1. Thanks for the tips. I visit your blog for the fisrt time and really like it. I bet i will find more great points after reading all your posts.
    I just started my own blog 3 months ago, if u have time kindly visit mine.

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