A Change as Good as a Holiday

For the last three or four years I have been thinking about switching from Typepad to WordPress. I had originally chosen Typepad because it was easy, simple and powerful, but it is essentially the same platform that I began using seven or more years ago.

WordPress, on the other hand, continues to improve. With a strong developer ecosystem producing improvements to user experience, functionality through plugins and connecting web publishing to social networks, WordPress has consistently innovated – transforming from a blogging system to a matrix commerce platform.

So, I bit the bullet and moved Servant of Chaos to the WordPress platform. I had a couple of key criteria in moving:

  • Maintain inbound links: After writing almost 2000 articles there was a lot of inbound links. I wanted to maintain these wherever possible. This meant enforcing a strict permalink structure within WordPress that mirrored Typepad
  • Carry over content: I wanted to bring over images, articles, links and embedded material as easily as possible. Unfortunately images are an issue which means I will have to slowly republish images over time (before switching off Typepad)
  • Improve the mobile experience: After writing so much recently about mobility and the need to cater to a mobile only audience, I felt I needed to walk the talk. I chose onswipe to handle the iPad experience of the site and WPtouch for the iPhone/mobile version.

So far, the site seems to be stable and functioning as hoped. There will be more tweaks along the way, but I trust it now helps you read, comment and engage with the site more easily.

4 thoughts on “A Change as Good as a Holiday

  1. Beautiful! Well done Gavin!

    We’re working our refresh as well at White Rabbit Group. My son who works with me is using Squarespace.

    Keep creating…but keep it strange,

  2. I like the look…love a nice, clean easy to read format. Congratulations on the move to WordPress…changing platforms is never a stress-free experience. Glad it worked!

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