Whittling down the bulk of great posts into five distinct items can be challenging. As the web evolves, and as we all get better at communicating using it – the quality of thinking and the volume of quality posts begins to explode. These five must-reads are my small contribution to filtering and connecting. Hope you enjoy them!
- Peter Economides explains with eloquence and insight why social media is social but it’s not media.
- Craig Wilson likens new marketing tactics with drug dealing – getting you hooked on the benefits before asking you to pay. He asks What is your gateway drug
- Are you using Klout? Are you relying on its “influence metrics” for your marketing success? John Haydon reminds us that Buying Influence is Bad Business
- Is the music industry making progress in the online business space? Alan Jones muses on the Rubber Band and the Future of Music
- Are you addicted to the newest of the new? Amber Naslund explains that we Need Both Improvement and Innovation