How many blogs do you read each week? How many each day? How do you find them and why are they useful? Do you come back to them? Do you subscribe or add them to your favourites? How do you keep up-to-date?
All good questions. Yet while statistics indicate that blogging is growing – modestly – my feeling is that we are seeing higher quality, more thoughtful writing and keener insight. So while there’s not the massive growth that we have seen over the last five years, we' are seeing a spike in quality. That’s only a good thing.
- As we approach conference season here in Australia, you’re likely to witness some atrocious attitude, bad behaviour and schoolyard silliness. And that’s just the presenters. Jason Falls has an excellent rant – suggesting it’s time we took a walk in the hall of mirrors.
- Valeria Maltoni regularly publishes thought provoking articles (so be sure to subscribe to her blog). But last week’s How Do You Influence the Influencers is worth a second look.
- Last week, fashion brand Kenneth Cole earned the ire of the Twitter community through a poorly judged tweet. Olivier Blanchard explains what every brand should not do on Twitter.
- This post from Annik Skelton made me laugh out loud. I Went to Yogi Dancing and it was Weird is a great piece of storytelling – and may just see more people signing up.
- Craig Wilson shares the Internet 2010 in Numbers – perfect fodder for your next presentation (please see point 1 above).