Tan At Your Desk with ComputerTan

If you are like me, you spend a lot of time at your desk staring at a computer screen. I can go hours on end without looking out a window – being absorbed in either work, online conversation or phone calls. When I finally get out from behind the desk and get to meet people, I am often shocked by how pasty I sometimes look when compared to my more bronzed compatriots.

Now it seems there may well be a solution.

The very clever folks over at ComputerTan.com have developed a unique website that lets you tan without leaving your desk. And as with most Web 2.0 sites, you can get started for FREE – with an introductory five minute trial.

And while I don’t think it will make me look “youthful”, I am hoping for “healthy” and “attractive”. Will share before and after photos over the next week.

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