In our rush to write up the latest piece of news, link to the newest application or discuss the most recent strategy flashing before our eyes, it is easy to overlook some of the quality thinking that is already-available on the web. Often, when I find a new blog I will spend some time digging through the archives to try to get a sense of the quality and direction that the writer takes. It is like getting to know someone … quickly.
But not everyone is like me … I like the randomness that can come with blog exploration. Some people like to get to the heart of things quicksmart. For those people, eBooks or directories of a blog’s most popular content can come in handy.
If you do not already read Greg Verdino’s blog, then you now have a supreme opportunity to do so. Not only is it jam packed with strategic goodness, he has thoughtfully prepared new readers a tasty snack. This eBook is now available for download. Called 4 & 20 Blog Posts, it captures 24 conversational marketing and social media posts from the last 24 months. Bon appetit!
Great idea. I love the thought of rummaging through old posts to get to know people better, but it must be terribly time consuming. I love finding peoples commentary on other posts and thoughts through networks like twitter. It’s how I’ve found most new blogs I’ve started reading (including yours–this is the first time I’ve read your blog).
Thanks for spreading the word Gavin – hope some of your readers find the eBook useful.