Sleeping While the World Changes

Originally uploaded by pH [浪人]

In the Age of Conversation there is plenty of talk. Plenty of chatter. But an authentic and trusted voice does more than talk … it incites, it points to action. It leads us to where, perhaps, we are on the edge of comfort.
For marketers, this means pushing ourselves beyond themes and messages. It is more than a clever catch phrase or a quip … it asks us to re-examine the NATURE and METHODS of the work we do. It asks us to "live our brands" in ways that we have never been asked to do. It is less about saying and more about DOING.

John Grant’s new book The Green Marketing Manifesto, which is due to be published any day now, sets out an agenda for marketers who are interested and willing to engage with "sustainable marketing".

One of the things that I like about John’s approach is that he takes a positive approach to what is a difficult and challenging situation. Take a look at his blog and you will see a willingness to grapple with issues — but within a strategic framework and with a practical approach.

Don’t be caught sleeping while the world changes … I have a feeling this book could well be one that we have all been waiting for … now I just have to wait for mine to arrive!