Shift Happens 2.0

Now, I am sure that I had posted this great presentation previously, but I can’t seem to find it here! For those who have not seen it, the presentation entitled "shift happens" or "did you know?" provides an eloquent overview of the many forces of globalisation that are shaping our world.

Interestingly, in the time between when I first saw this and now, the presentation has gone through a metamorphosis complete with animation and a support wiki. Is it better? I will leave that to you to decide, but I must admit there was more immediacy to the storytelling in a simple Powerpoint format (check out all the versions and formats here).

3 thoughts on “Shift Happens 2.0

  1. The Arborvitae has bagworms…

    Three days ago we noticed our Arborvitae had bagworms; those seemingly innocuous, pine cone like bags that spell trouble, i.e., the worms are eating the tree, oh no! What did I do? I googled them, something I wouldn’t have imagined

  2. InquisitiveIgnorance

    A couple of weeks ago I was taken, by my children, to the cinema; they wanted to see a film called “The Last Mimzy”. It’s a fantastic film. We all really enjoyed it.
    Towards the end of the film an interesting thing happens. The rabbit, which h…

  3. InquisitiveIgnorance

    A couple of weeks ago I was taken, by my children, to the cinema; they wanted to see a film called “The Last Mimzy”. It’s a fantastic film. We all really enjoyed it.
    Towards the end of the film an interesting thing happens. The rabbit, which h…

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