Self Starting

Today at lunchtime I went to the local shopping centre. Emerging from the mall out into the daylight I could smell the freshness of the air (yes it has turned cold again) and feel the moisture in the air from the morning’s rain. As I approached the traffic lights I noticed a man handing out CDs. At first I thought he was selling The Big Issue … he was certainly having a hard time convincing the passersby.

When I stopped he explained that the CD was a recorded story. A collaboration. I could have a copy for the exchange of a coin. I reached into my pocket but found nothing. Empty. But I would be back … in just a few moments.

After attending to a couple of errands I headed back. I wanted to find out more. What was the idea, the story behind the CD …
The project, as it turns out, has been put together by a small group of friends. Rather than go to the expense of publishing a book, this science fiction novel was recorded as an audio book/MP3 and comes bundled with original music. I bought four copies.

If you are interested in one, leave your name in the comments or email me your address and I will send you one.

Blogged with Flock

3 thoughts on “Self Starting

  1. Gavin,
    What a great idea. I love how differently people are thinking. Wonder where it will take us next?
    I’d gladly have a copy and once I listen, I will share it with all the the Iowa Blogonostra!

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