Philippe Deltenre has been doing a series of profiles on marketing bloggers, featuring my good friends Christina (CK) Kerley, Valeria Maltoni and Mack Collier. Each of these profiles make for excellent reading, especially the first question — what was your first blog post.
Philippe has kindly asked me to participate in the next round of interviews … and while he has changed some of the questions, he still asks about the first blog post. Interestingly, when I dug back through my archives I couldn’t find it … until I realised that I had moved it somewhere else.
So here it is … in all its naive glory.
The Servant of Chaos
We begin with a rant. A rumble. A shout. There is more in the mind, more on the fingertips, more spilling from the edges of our quivering lips than can fill the words of a thousand weblogs.
The diaries of the insane, the newly reposessed, the righteous, the deluded, and yes, even I.
The daily diatribe of the left, the right, the religious and informed brooks no argument.
But we will give them one.
You and I.
We will give them one.
There are more to the words of consumers than the corporations expect.
We huddle in groups, in chat rooms.
We explode on the keyboards of a million call centres.
Our imagination is unheard of. Our thoughts cancel out the process.
We are your hearts and your minds.
We are everywhere, all places, all over the shop.
In your blood, at your workplace.
Serving you tea.
Writing you emails.
We don’t really want to, for this is who we are.
A new opportunity opens every day.
It opens with the page.
The pen.
Another rant.
In control? Hell no!
We are in slavery to the chaos of our lives.
This is the manifesto of one.
My first blog post ever was a looong time ago. It was in may 2003, it was in french and it was pretty ridiculous (something like: next week I’m home alone, I will clean up my computer :)). It took me a few weeks to find a tone of voice for my blog.
By the way, I really like your first post. It sounds like an echo to the day of the long tail video.
Gav: This should always be available from your sidebar (if it’s not already). I LOVE this post.
My first few posts sucked so badly I had to delete them and then I hit on my mantra and then it started falling into place.
And I sucked a little bit less everyday thereafter.
Really thankful you’ve joined and bolstered this community. No, wrong word…you’ve been the one to consistently CELEBRATE this community.
A celebration, a manifesto, a call to action, a cri du cour….rock ON with you bad self Gavin!
Philippe … cleaning out your computer? Oh no … my worst nightmare! Actually, I had to dig around to find this photo … I remembered that I had written this post out long hand first up, but couldn’t remember whether I had kept the photo or not.
CK … thanks — reading back over this I do like the feel of it. And goes to show how prescient it was in the evolution of my thinking.
Katie … ya know I love to boast 😉
Thank you for the link, and for the kind words.
The interview is online 🙂
I love your poetry–when I think of “first blog posts” my expectations are not that high; I sort of brace myself for a good laugh (I know that my own first blog post is an unintentional hoot! Oy–I hope no one ever finds it!).
But when I started reading yours it pulled me in and I loved it. This is definitely one of the best first blog posts I’ve ever read! 🙂
Looking forward to checking out Philippe’s interview with you…
No marketing today
Today I followed Luc’s posts on how a group of bloggers got together and dedicated a tree to CK. And I read CK’s response about friendship. And I began to think about the many events I’ve witnessed online, where those who had never physically met had a…