Magazines for Pleasure

I read online a lot … eventhough I know this sometimes means my retention will be lower. It is easier, convenient but also very much part of my personal information and self learning process. Obviously there are plenty of blogs on my reading list … but when it comes to pure pleasure, there is something quite unlike a fresh, strong, black coffee and a good magazine. Robyn McMaster tagged me for a magazine reading meme, so here is a list of my favourite mags!

Amcn I have been reading Australian Motor Cycle News magazine for years … ever since I bought my first motorbike I have kept up with the latest "must have" bikes. These days I mostly read it to check the road tests of all the bikes that I no longer have much interest in acquiring (my wrists just can’t take the pressure anymore).

I particularly like the longer articles where series of bikes are taken away for a week’s touring along the Australian coastline. Or inland. Or anywhere — there really is something about riding a bike and a sense of freedom!

Sydneymag Another magazine that I like to read from time to time is the Sydney Magazine. As a Sydney-sider, we all tend to become a little self-obsessed — with ourselves, our blogs, our jobs, our homes, our families, our lives. Oh … is anyone still reading this?

Apart from having some great stories, high production values and a certain style, it is edited by an old friend of mine (who I have not seen in years) and feels like a weird way of keeping in touch.

But, that is about it. Magazines are great … but make only rare appearances in my world! Same with newspapers (sorry Bob).

6 thoughts on “Magazines for Pleasure

  1. I am totally with you; I do the bulk of my reading online and get miffed when magazines don’t have an online version. That said… I love sitting with a nice glossy mag in my hands and having my coffee or wine or scotch and just letting the world vanish. Besides, without magazines, all those 14-19 hour flights across the globe would be much, much worse. It’s bad enough that my knees are in my armpits the whole time…

  2. I signed up for 6 magazine subscriptions last year, and because of all the online reading and promises to catch up on my magazine stack, I’m renewing only 3.
    So tough these days with online and great books competing for my attention.

  3. I can’t shake my magazine addiction. It started when I was 12 and found a copy of “Andy Warhol’s INTERVIEW” magazine on a park bench. This mag, more than any other, opened up a new world to me. Although it has had it’s ups and downs it remains a great source for information and trends. Also, after resisting an online presence it recently got its act together with a great website.

  4. The *only* magazine I read in print any more is the New Yorker. Even if you aren’t a New Yorker, it’s consistently impressive. Plus, the writing is top-shelf.

  5. Hi Gavin, what fun to let your mind “go” as you fantasize about motorcycles! I can just see you speeding through a narrow paddock somewhere! I love to read local mags when I travel because they bring me closer to the tune of the people! Hope it’s not too soon before I read Sydney Magazine again!
    Thanks for playing along in the meme, Gavin! You’re always fun.

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