The response to the eBook Age of Conversation has been great … thanks to all who have responded. We have even had TWO submissions! That’s right campers … two chapters are ready! We are working to keep track of all the contributors and their topics, responding to email and questions — and making sure that we do not have topic overlaps!
In amongst all this, Drew has become rather ill — but continues to write outstanding blog posts, send hundreds of emails about the eBook AND work in his own business while in a considerable amount of pain! On top of all this, he does it all with grace and good humour.
In the meantime, if you have been considering joining in, then please send an email to Drew McLellan and let him know your topic.
And for those of you who are submitting pictures and diagrams — please send us EPS for diagrams and JPGs for photos.
I submitted something to Drew today. Not sure it qualifies but hope so. I will also be posting it on my blog, if that’s alright. Once you read it, you will understand why since it is a call to action.
gavin, you are pushing a lot of great initiatives. i just need to get into twitter while i’m on board for the conversation stuff.
fax is on its way…..
Thank you for all you do. The planet needs more Gavins.