Earth Hour

Black This Saturday the WWF is holding Earth Hour 2007. What is it and what does it mean? It it one small step, a convenient, but essential step in raising awareness around global warming. The WWF is simply asking Sydneysiders to switch off their lights for ONE HOUR at 7:30pm on Saturday, 31 March 2007.

How will this help global warming? Well, WWF want to reduce Sydney’s greenhouse emissions by 5% this year, and this is a great way of demonstrating how small steps by many people (individuals, governments and businesses) can have a large and beneficial impact. And failing significant government intervention or support for Kyoto, it looks like responsibility for change is once again in the hands of the people.

Earth_hour_cmyk_30cm_150dpi There are THREE things you can do:

  • SIGN UP TO EARTH HOUR: Go here and commit  to turning off your lights on 31 March from 7.30pm to 8.30pm.  It’s free! Use this form if you are a business.
  • GET OFF STANDBY: Unplug any appliances that are not being used and are on standby. Turn off your mobile phone charger, TV, microwave and MP3 player as appliances left on standby account for up to 10% of the average household’s electricity use. Wow!
  • SPREAD THE WORD: Tell your friends about Earth Hour by involving your friends and family. Encourage them to sign-up turn off their lights at 7.30pm Saturday 31 March 2007.

Oh, and some of you smart marketers out there may want to help support a global extension to this. C’mon, wouldn’t it be nice to leave a living planet to our grandkids?

3 thoughts on “Earth Hour

  1. You get the award for “Most perfect use of a graphic EVER” (the first one). You impress me and make us all proud (including Mother Nature and Planet Earth).

  2. Sara … interesting idea! But how would we see each other in the dark?
    CK … thanks … I thought it was apt. Do you like the special black border?

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