You have got to congratulate Christina Kerley (CK) on reaching a blog milestone … her first 100 posts! As other bloggers will know, maintaining a focused and disciplined writing style is a real challenge — especially when you are first getting started.
Not only has CK reached 100 posts on her own site, she has also created quite a stir over at Ann Handley’s MarketingProfs Daily Fix, regularly coming up with catchy, provocative posts that keep the community humming for days. Best of all … this is the FIRST 100 posts … there are bound to be more in the same vein (notice the feint allusion to Buffy?)!
On a similar point, I noticed tonight that Servant of Chaos has been going for just over one year now. I remembered starting around November last year, only to find that it was, in fact, October 2005. (And woah … were there some bad posts back then!) It has been fun and I have learned a lot … and still have plenty of learning to go. My aim for the next year is to grow my readership to 10 😉
As always, thanks for reading!
Aw shucks, Gav…you never, ever miss an opportunity to be gracious to the community or me. Your generosity really is just so amazing–btw, did Katie give you the hug I asked her to give you care of me?
So much learned in 100 posts–but MUCH more ahead than behind. I’m just honored to be part of this community and medium. Thankful.
“My aim for the next year is to grow my readership to 10 ;)”
Such humility!
Congrats to you for making 1 year.
Well, working off the 90-10-1 rule, based on the number of responses you’ve received so far, your readership is more than 10. 🙂
Keep up the good work!
Shucks! Too coy sir!
CK- the hug’s been delivered.
Gavin: It’s also Masiguy’s 1 year mark:
Katie: thanks much for the hug…he needs to hug you back. There’s a lot of lovin’ to go ’round down under.
I wish I were there. You guys, get your agency to retain me and I can come live there for a month…we can shout a lot and watch much Buffy :-). Blog and do coffee, too. I’m sooo serious.
Jeesh, CK is too kind and is spreading the birthday news all over the place it seems… gosh. She is pretty incredible though, that’s for sure.
By the way Gavin, looks like I’ll be in Oz again somewhere between February and April, so I’ll have to try to buy you a pint. I’ll likely be in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane again before heading to New Zealand briefly.
Thanks to CK and congratulations to HER!
Congrats to you as well. Don’t you feel like an old hand now? I know I do… ok, just old maybe.