Olivier scores a Karma Credit

We can chalk this up to BSP … but if you would like to know HOW we, as marketers, innovators or creative thinkers can influence a brand, take a look at this post by Olivier Blanchard. Entitled "Become More Than Just a Business", Olivier shares a story of how one of his clients has decided to go with a good-work promotion. After the meeting, Olivier’s client even says:

"you know, I’ve always wanted to do something like this. After all these years, I’m finally going to get to do it."

Just goes to show there is not just marketers interested in KarmaCredits, but also brands. Now … if only we can bring the two together!

PS … I am still trying to get the KarmaCredits back-end system all working nicely … almost done. (Boy, how did I volunteer for that?).


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