You don’t have to be fancy to have an impact. There is no need to create a new website on the scale of MGM Grand — which is pretty spectacular — if you have a great idea and an effective way to execute it.
That is why I like this. It is a flight simulator that uses Google Maps in realtime. You can select your location from a drop down list, or if you are feeling a little more adventurous, you can grab your coordinates from Google Maps and with a couple of hacks, fly around your own local area.
The cool thing about this is that it showcases the skills of Mark Caswell-Daniels — at a time when he is looking for work … and it has the potential to become viral on a global scale — he has cleverly added locations to the game based on the volume of traffic and its origin.
And if you fly north across the Sydney Harbour Bridge, you can see my office. And on a bad day, you can even fire at it. Hmmm. I think I would prefer flaming blog comments!