I love this post on Johnnie Moore’s blog. It has a great quote from Lisa Haneberg:
"A leader is most effective when people barely know he
exists. When his work is done, his aim fulfilled, his troops will feel
they did it themselves." Lao Tzu …How do you select, hire, measure, and retain invisible leaders? Now
that’s the rub. Well, if they love what they do (and they’d have to)
retention is probably not the issue. Finding invisible leaders will
take more work and a whole new mindset toward hiring criteria. The
behavioral interview, so popular today, might not work to find the best
invisible leader.
I always like to think that I work this way … but if I don’t, it gives me good reason to think about my approaches.
Any other suggestions are welcome!
In fairness, I was quoting Lisa Haneberg (http://feeds.feedburner.com/ManagementCraft?m=535) who should get the credit.
On the whole psychologist usually devide open and hidden leaders. So Hidden leaders are confirmed to be more powerful.
Hidden leaders are invisible and it’s very important to become one in your own community. The influence of a invisible leader is based on trust and knowledge, responcibility and reliability.
I should say, that it’s the best work when the community has an invisible leader that inspires and leads people. Then the staff does everything by themselves and are proud of the work. It’s usually a success.