Filmloop Fun

So I am thinking about changing the name of the site to Guy Kawasaki shrine. Of course, I would be competing with about 10,000 others who read his blog daily, but stranger things have happened, and indeed, stranger efforts have made money on the web. But I digress.

In case you haven’t seen Filmloop, it is one of the technologies that Guy’s has invested in – and it is seriously fun. He has added a film loop to his blog that you can add to, check it out here. Each loop can take about 200 photos, and mine is in there somewhere. See if you can pick me out of the crowd.

The thing I like about Filmloop is that it helps us make sense of the chaos that is part of our daily lives. Now, more than ever, we are online, digital, connected – and what better way to demostrate and actively participate in such a world, than through the technologies and devices that are so near and dear to our hearts.
