When I started reading Chris Brogan and Julien Smith’s book, Trust Agents: Using the Web to Build Influence, Improve Reputation, and Earn Trust
, I planned to jot notes, tweet summaries and scribble in the margins. But I must admit that I did none of these things. You see, these two write so engagingly that once you are IN the book, you forget about everything else. Normally this only happens to me with novels, but there are some great storytelling elements in Trust Agents
– and with every chapter my mind was whirring – in agreement or thinking through how an idea could be put into action.
What I liked about this book is that it focuses on YOU – the person who participates in the world of social networks. It shows you how to begin to build profitable relationships with these “trust agents” – “digitally savvy people who use the Web to humanize businesses using transparency, honesty and genuine relationships”. It also shows you how you too, can become a trust agent.
One of the suggestions in the last chapter was to give your book away. Now, I love collecting books, but I like this idea. There is a great deal of value in this book for anyone interested in the online space. So, while I would encourage you to BUY a copy of the book – you have a small chance to get a copy FREE. It’s in excellent condition – no margin notes, no marks – and it smells like new. If you want it, leave me a comment telling me why YOU should be trusted with this book. You only have until the end of the week.
Oh, and I will mail it to you anywhere in the world.
So tell me, should you be trusted?