Each week I collect articles that inspire me.
Sometimes that means that I have dozens of extra tabs open in my web browser, and sometimes I rely on the astounding feedly feed reader. In both cases this week, I ended with a surfeit of great articles. Here are the best five of about 20 that could easily been published.
- Mark Pollard relentlessly plumbs personal experience to challenge our own stories and behaviours. He thinks the world would be less strange if we stopped making strangers out of men. I think he should write a book rather than a blog 😉
- How is enterprise software changing? Ken Yeung sits in on a conversation with some of the innovators who are eyeing up potential disruption in the enterprise market, and the message is clear: end users are the new CIO
- Not only do our in-built biases protect us, they also help us move forward, to dream impossible dreams. Maria Popova explains the science of our optimism bias and the life-cycle of happiness. Awesome
- Has Facebook lost its sheen for you or your brand? Do you feel you have lost control of your content? The Guardian is ending its year-long experiment in social reading and is moving away from Facebook. Will you?
- Ever wondered why your calls to action fall on deaf ears? Eaon Pritchard explains in terms of the diffusion of responsibility. Be sure to read it and make a comment. Be specific.