Five Must-Read Posts from Last Week

It has been a full-on week. In fact, I totally expect the whole of August to be “full-on”. I have a raft of presentations to give – at PR3.0, ADMA Forum and at Marketing Week and I am busily squirreling away on the Premier Customer Network for SAP (turning the ideas of social media into action). And just when I thought that it could not get any busier, #londonriots knocks us for six and changes the game in terms of social unrest, social media and community activism in all its true chaotic forms. Maybe the revolution really will be tweeted!

  1. In the wake of riots in London, Umair Haque connects the dots – explaining that this is not an isolated incident – but a Great Splintering that has been coming for some time. Wish I’d read it before writing this.
  2. One of the knee-jerk reactions to the riots has been to suggest turning off social media sites. While China proves that this is technically possible (and is certainly easy here in Australia thanks to the Internet filter), is this an attack on democracy or civil rights? Tiphereth Gloria digs into some of these questions.
  3. I have always been concerned with our society’s focus on metrics – on the numbers more than the people behind them – especially as it relates to education and the creativity of our children. Now, Rachel Rettner over at LiveScience reports that kids are more narrow-minded and “just not as creative” as they were in the 70s. Strong endorsement for Waldorf/Steiner schools in my opinion (HT Tim Longhurst).
  4. Storytelling for Search and Social Media? Well, you know I’m going to fall for a title like that. The good thing? Jye Smith delivers with some sharp insight and a nice presentation that I’d love to hear.
  5. Joanna Beltowska shares John Maeda’s Principles for Creative Leaders. Read it and weep because you didn’t write it yourself 😉