The Value of an Existing Customer

Now, I am feeling more than a little jaded about the rash of infographics that clog the social media airwaves these days. And it seems that I am not alone. But occasionally I find one that tickles my fancy.

This one by the Flowtown folks reminds us just how important our existing customers really are (and how much it costs to replace them).

So, here’s an interesting question for you – are you using social media to service your existing customers, or just to acquire more for your funnel? If you want an ROI for your social media efforts, then this infographic could well make or break your business case. Food for thought, huh?

The Value of an Existing Customer
Flowtown – Social Media Marketing Application

One thought on “The Value of an Existing Customer

  1. Indeed. Acquiring new customers is more costly than retaining the existing ones. The question is are the efforts we are doing to keep these existing customers happy and satisfied enough. What does enough means in this case?

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