This week I have a mismash of ideas and topics for you. Some provocative thinking, some things you can do and a couple of ideas you might be able to translate into your work day. Enjoy!
- When it comes to participating in a charity campaign, it’s relatively easy to click a button, change an avatar or even to donate some money. But it requires a real commitment to make yourself part of the campaign. And that’s what Neil Perkin is doing with the The Great (Advertising & Media) Football GIveaway 2010. He’s travelling to Tanzania to distribute footballs to disadvantaged kids and hopes to raise £13,500.00! Please help out.
- Ever wondered why executives in your company make certain decisions? Lisa Petrilli talks through the processes that great leaders use to make decisions.
- It’s pretty clear that messaging and conversations within and beyond the enterprise are undergoing a drastic transformation. Umair Haque suggests this is about Listening Up – not talking down.
- For those on the client side of things, Mark Pollard shares an interesting post on how to milk your agency for all it’s worth.
- Do you sell things from your website? Do you showcase your products and services? If so, you’re in the world of digital retail. Check out the Top Three Things Every Retailer Should Know by Fi Bendall over at the PowerRetail site
I’m so honored that you included me and so embarrassed that I just saw the link – 2 weeks late! 🙂
I genuinely appreciate having you as a reader and hope to connect with you more on Twitter!
All the very best to you and thank you again,