Five Must-Read Posts from Last Week

I have been a little busy pulling together the next Age of Conversation book, so have missed this little Monday ritual. That’s not to say that there hasn’t been some sensational blog writing out there (or that I haven’t been at least skim reading it) – far from it. So in an attempt to, as Madonna would say, “get into the groove” again, here are five must-read posts from last week. You’re going to love them all!

  1. Mack Collier explains that with blogging, it’s not all about new ideas. Sometimes the best thing you can do is add your view, your context and more value to something that is already “out there”. We call it incremental innovation.
  2. Not exactly last week, but the Pew Internet survey report on Understanding the Participatory News Consumer contains some great stats and some analysis about changes in consumer behaviour. 
  3. Angela Dunn shares a presentation on Social Networks Around the World by Steven Van Belleghem. There are statistics, charts and maps.
  4. I love this one! Tom Hinks takes a big stick to the practice of marketing by the numbers, suggesting that “we don’t need a call to action, we need an intervention”. While I love what the stats can reveal to us all, it’s the revelation that interests me, not the data. Does this cancel out the previous two posts?
  5. Mel Exon shares an interview the founder of A Developing Story – a brilliant site that publishes news stories from developing countries.