Five Must-Read Posts from Last Week

spyHave you noticed that the end of year activities are keeping us all busy? It certainly feels like the busy-ness of business is accelerating in the last month before year-end – and while this is normal, it feels faster, more jam-packed than previous years. Or perhaps I think this same thought each December!

But whether you are busy or not, these five must-read posts will save you a little searching and deliver you some quality information. Enjoy!

  1. Katie Chatfield shares a great chart (and article) that steps you through the process of creating personas. The 10 Steps to Personas by Dr Lene Nielsen helps you link people with stories. Nice.
  2. Tara Hunt reminds us to Measure the Impact, Not the Influence – that is, look at the outcomes that your programs deliver, rather than the raw numbers. Remember, reaching a person interested in what you have to offer is more important than reaching many who are disinterested.
  3. In the lead-up towards the end of the year, many of us are focused on sales. Drew McLellan asks, What Are Your Sales Mistakes Costing You. You may be surprised to find out.
  4. How does recommendation and reputation work? Valeria Maltoni explains the real value of reputation.
  5. And on the topic of people, recommendation and sales, check Ross Dawson’s presentation on The Future of Sales is Social.