My ooVoo Day? It’s An Age of Conversation, Baby

Snapshot2After participating in one of the My ooVoo Day sessions with my gracious host, Joseph Jaffe, I hung around to have a chat with Greg Verdino. It was pretty funky seeing the sort of live effects that can be used during the video chat … and while it is a novelty, it also add a fun dimension to the technology.

One of the things that I like about ooVoo is the quality. We easily had six participants with video feeds, all speaking and contributing to the conversation. And the idea behind the launch is great — meet some interesting folks, have a chat, use some cool technology and raise some money for a good cause — the Frozen Pea Fund. So, so far, so good.

But then, the indefatigable Drew McLellan came up with another idea. What about if he and I hosted our own chat — on the Age of Conversation? A couple of emails with the Crayon folks later, we were all systems go. So, now, your can sign up for one of 4×15 minute chats with Drew McLellan and myself. What are you waiting for? It doesn’t get much better than this 😉

Oh, and if you want to know what time/date it is in your timezone — try this. We are aiming for 4pm NYC time. That makes it Sunday, 8am in Sydney!