Now if you are like me, you are bound to have suitcases full of bad photos of yourself. If so, take a look at the following video to learn how professionals reduce the chance of a bad shot.
I was asked recently what would Web 3.0 look like? And not that I make predictions or am really close enough to the emerging technology side of things, but it seems to me that the innovations that we are likely to see are grouped around the "micro". Think micro-charities. Micro-communities. The niches of niches. The Web 3.0 innovations, in my view, will make Web 2.0 useful.
Hence this post on "looking great in photos". While this is useful information (and to be honest, I need all the help I can get), really what I want to draw your attention to is the launch of Howcast (via Techcrunch). This is a new venture from some some ex-Google folks (Jason Liebman, Daniel Blackman and Sanjay Raman) — with a focus on instructional content. There are wikis as well as videos. It will be interesting to see how the quality of user generated content goes. Now, all I need is a crash course on the Photoshop Healing Brush and I will be set!