Twitter Over Delivers

I am pleased to see that the community collection for Ashley Spencer has achieved its goals — $5000. Through the work of a number of dedicated folks and through the generosity of a wide Twitter community, Ashley’s family will have at least a little financial respite in the immediate term.

For those of you who have not heard the tragic story, click here and here. And for those of you who have not yet, but can, donate, please do so by clicking the ChipIn button above. For while the target has been achieved, the costs of raising a young family never end. Your small donation can make a big difference in the Spencer family’s life.

UPDATE: Dan advises that a NEW TARGET has been set — $6000. If you have not as yet contributed, please do consider.

2 thoughts on “Twitter Over Delivers

  1. Thanks again for posting. We have raised the goal to $6,000. Many people asked me to do this in part because their pay day wasn’t until next week and they still want to be a part of this.

  2. So sorry to hear the news of your friend, Gavin. It seems like Twitter has once again rallied community/purposeful aid, and this is heartening.
    I missed Nate Ritter’s talk on “Using Twitter to Help Communities” on Tues. night at NPtech, but it seems yours is yet more evidence that it’s found its place far beyond the arcane and the trivial.
    Here’s the post in case you missed it:

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