Visit the Aussie Bloggers Forum

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Originally uploaded by thomask

For many, blogging can be a lonely exercise … at least at first. It takes time to learn the ropes — figuring out which blogging system to use, how to promote your blog and how to grow an audience or community around your site. When I first started I can remember being excited the day that I received 10+ visitors — reaching double digits took weeks, maybe even months.

And I remember reading that one of the important things about starting a blog is reading OTHER blogs. So off I went into the blogosphere, searching for other blogs to read … and I was disappointed to find hardly any Australian blogs. Well there was Darren Rowse’s ProBlogger, but that was a whole different kettle of fish … really I was looking for beginners like myself, or someone who could help out, answer questions and so on.

You know what? I never found it. But things have changed!

Over the past couple of weeks, a small group of dedicated Australian bloggers have taken on the challenge to setup a forum whose aims include “empowering, encouraging, supporting and promoting Aussie Bloggers and the Australian blogosphere in general”.

The founders, Snoskred, Andrew Boyd and Meg Tsiamis have been busily setting up and sorting out Aussie Bloggers. They are supported by a group of moderators who also come with years of practical blogging and online experience. The "establishment team" are:

  • Snoskred from Life in the Country
  • Meg from Dipping into the Blogpond
  • Andrew from On Blogging Australia
  • Christine from Semfire Search Engine Marketing
  • Karen from Miscellaneous Adventures of an Aussie Mum
  • Gavin from Servant of Chaos
  • Lani from Blogging Personal (launching in January 2008)
  • Jen from Semantically Driven
  • Lightening from Lightening Online
  • Sue from Blogging Sueblimely
  • Squadron from SEO Blog
  • Kelley from Magneto Bold Too
  • John from Disassociated
  • Cellobella from SultanaBlog
  • Martin from Small Office Australia
  • Steve from AcidLabs
  • Stephen from More Than Scratch the Surface
  • Colin from Adelaide Green Porridge Cafe
  • I am proud to be part of this group and look forward to watching this forum and community grow. So make sure you visit the blog … and REGISTER for the forum. There is a wealth of great material already available. If only it was around a few years ago!

    8 thoughts on “Visit the Aussie Bloggers Forum

    1. Hi Gavin
      Many thanks for the shout about the forum. We’re all having a ball and couldn’t have asked for a better start!
      Certainly glad to have you as part of the team 🙂

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