For those of us who are involved in blogging, it can seem strange to be asked "what is a blog". But it happens almost everyday.
You see, despite the massive adoption of blogs as a tool for personal, professional or community content publishing (Technorati tracks >70 million blogs), blogging is still a rather marginal activity. A good way to gauge whether some technology has been "mainstreamed" is to do the "Five Step Grannie Test". I have used this to great effect in the past, and it requires the following steps:
- Write down the topic that you want to research in a notepad. Try to keep it to a single sentence and write it in the form of a question (for example, "what is a blog")
- Pick up the phone and call your grandmother (this research method works just as well with someone else’s grandmother)
- Read the question/topic out from your notepad
- Write the answer into your notepad in CAPITAL letters
- Evaluate the response. If the answer is YES, then your brand/technology/services/product has been mainstreamed. All other answers count as a NO (especially the response, "what is a what"?)
So, if you are like me, and you are asked "what is a blog", now, rather than spending a couple of hours talking through the technology, options etc, you can send all your grannies to this video thoughtfully put together by Lee Lefever from Common Craft. How do you get to it? You just jump on the Internet (hint: you can even get it on computers now).
I really appreciate you doing research on this stuff and taking the time to write up a post–If only I could arrange for a direct feed from your posts into my blog cuz I’m about to steal this one too 🙂 like I did with your last post. Semi-kidding!
That video is priceless–I just shared it with my friend Andy Wibbels who teaches non-tech folks how to blog starting with “What Is A Blog?” It may help keep him from going prematurely gray 🙂
Hah! What a small world. Andy Wibbels and I go way back to like 2004. In blog years – thats forever! 🙂
Thanks for sharing the video Gavin!
Check out this post of mine from June 2007 when I found out that my mother was an avid podcast user.
Definitely moved podcasts into the mainstream arena in my mind.
Dean Collins
My mother-in-law is just getting good at email and passing on cute jokes. 🙂
Thanks for sharing this, Gavin. I love those folks at Common Craft!