There is always so much going on … ideas spread with a vicious speed, new sites open and close in the blink of an eye … and the words, torrents of words, flow from the keyboards of the small named thousands scattered across the Internet. And out of this multitude, the one thing that makes us unique that gives us our own context, our name … also has the potential to be commodified. Recycled. Copied. Where in the world do we find a place to rest? To step away from the chaotic clutter?
My friend Stan has a great post that is marvellously quiet. It is part of his monthly Around the Blogosphere series … and it focuses (yes focuses) on one or two ideas that have been powerful enough to keep the words at bay. This month he talks about the godfather of branding, Russell Davies and New York branding consultant Ross Cidlowski. Give it a moment’s thought — you’ll be glad you did.
You’re making me blush Gavin.
Thanks for the shout Gavin