A Hundred Pictures from a Thousand Words

So there are not quite 100 pictures here … but it is interesting! This is a "datapainting" of the ServantofChaos blog broken down into tags and then visualised courtesy of Flickr. It was generated by the Anoptique engine called the FlickrMixr.

Not only can this engine generate a picture grid based on your XML/RSS feed, you can also download the PHP code and host it on your own server!

Of course, part of the beauty in all this, is that is yet another component in the Web 2.0 puzzle. So a networked community contributes to and augments the work of a single person. Makes you feel like you are part of something larger. Something more human than technology normally allows.

It would be great to see FlickrMixr taken a step further with overlayed images that are closer to the TagCloud concept … allowing for relevance and frequency of tags with images overlaying each other … Check it out for yourself!


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