Australian Marketers Rock Up to the Marketo Rockstar Tour

If marketing technology vendors had doubted Australian marketers’ hunger for innovation, then the recent turnout to the Marketo Rockstar Tour laid those doubts to rest.

Stretching out of the main bar at Sydney’s Establishment Hotel and down George Street, a queue of 300 or so patiently made their way to the upstairs ballroom to learn about Marketo’s software as a service based marketing automation platform. Punctuated with case studies, driving rock music, audience questions and a keynote from founder Phil Fernandez, it was a glitzy launch with plenty of substance. Follow along with the tweetstream below.

Asian Connections: Embracing the Digital Trajectory

Fifty four percent of the world’s population lives in Asia. That’s 3.7 billion people. And according to We Are Social, Singapore’s recent report, Asia is home to over 1 billion internet users – 80% of whom use social media (see full report below).

The numbers are impressive. And yet, they tell only part of the story.

The most compelling aspect is the trajectory of digital consumption across Asia:

  • New internet users every month: 11,350,000
  • Videos watched (in June 2012): 45,000,000,000
  • New Facebook users each month: 10,000,000
  • Mobile internet users now outnumber PC-based internet users in China: 388 million vs 380 million

Consumer Adoption is Disrupting Patterns of Media Consumption and Impacting the Buyer’s Journey

The shift to digital in Asia is characterised by the widespread use of mobile and smartphones. Almost half of the people in Asia are willing to make transactions on their mobile phones (43%). And 60% of internet users in Asia use social media to inform purchase decisions. This combination is impacting not just the top end of the marketing funnel but various points across the buyer’s journey. 

Digital Adoption Will Drive Marketer’s Thirst for Mobile Solutions

Given that more than half of Asia’s population is under 30, marketers seeking to engage these high spending, younger audiences will need to develop new digital approaches.

However, with 82% mobile penetration across Asia – and a growing population of mobile internet users – digital approaches should increasingly follow a Mobile First with a Social Heart strategy.

Marketers Will Turn to Marketing Automation to Scale Execution

While digital and social media marketing promises one-to-one conversations with customers, the rapid growth in the population of “Connected Consumers” challenges marketers’ capacity to scale. As a result, marketers will begin turning to marketing automation vendors to provide personality rich brand communications at scale.

The Shift to Digital Requires a Re-casting of the Marketing Funnel

While the information in the We Are Social report focuses on Asia, we are seeing similar shifts in markets the world over. Marketers can no longer rely on past practices as a relevant method for predicting future outcomes. Forward thinking marketers will need to begin rethink their understanding of their consumers from the outside-in. This will require a re-casting of the marketing funnel.

Look for my upcoming report CMOs: Re-casting the Marketing Funnel for Consumer Engagement, available for free later this month to all Constellation Research clients. Want to know more? Email me.

Blog Monetisation at Social Media Club, Sydney

It was a welcome return and a good, vocal crowd at the Shelbourne Hotel, for the topic of Blog Monetisation at Sydney’s Social Media Club event. A panel comprising bloggers, agency folks, digital publishers, journalists, PR and digital strategists kept the conversation going and got the crowd tweeting.

Hannah De Milta from Rocketman Media moderated the panel featuring Karla Courtney from Tiny Times, Daniel Kjellsson from, Patty Huntington from Frockwriter and Matthew Gain from Edelman PR.

There were a large number of fashion bloggers on hand to learn the secrets. ALSO be sure to check out this wrap up by Francis McCarthy.

Blog Monetisation – Social Media Club, Sydney

In a welcome return, Social Media Club, Sydney takes on the challenging topic of "monetization". The panel for the evening, hosted by Rocketman Media's @HannaDeMilta featured fashion bloggers @pattyhuntington and @karlacourteney, PR guru and man about town @matthewgain and publisher @danielkjellson

Storified by Gavin Heaton · Mon, Oct 08 2012 20:38:44

Hanging out at #smcsyd – looking forward to the discussion.Aylin Ahmet
@byrongreens: #SMCSyd oldest woman in the room – have been wkg in online since 1995 – where's my gold watch.Christine
Blog monetisation event about to kick off at #SMCSYD. Speakers: @pattyhuntington @danielkjellsson @karlacourtney and @matthewgainTara Sena-Becker
#smcsyd Social Media Club Sydney gets underway. It's been a while… Burrowes
How long have you been blogging? In 5 years we've seen a lot of change @HannahDeMilta #smcsydGavin Heaton
Even selling straight ads isn't that useful says @karlacourtney #smcsydGavin Heaton
Loving Karla at the #smcsyd funny and insightful @karlacourtney Mayhew
"The challenge is finding a way to monetise in a way that has ethics." @karlacourtney #SMCSydSmarterBusinessIdeas
Missing #smcsyd to try and finish writing an essay. #lastminute hope it’s a good night!Dave Phillips
Look to advertising as well as network syndication and paywalling says @pattyhuntington when it comes to monetization #smcsydGavin Heaton
The most fashionable #smcsyd crowd,ever.cenkbaban
#SMCSYD @pattyhuntington talking about her 2 income streams for frockwriterSocialMediaClubSYD
Advertisers only interested in blog uvpm – not return visits #SMCSYD @pattyhuntingtonCameron Stead
At #smcsyd hoping that a successfully monetized blog = a successful blog. Whether you want money or not, we all want an audience, right?angela stengel
Bloggers can be more influential than a magazine says @danielkjellsson #smcsydGavin Heaton
Plenty of discussion about "cash for comment" or "cash for coverage" through the night.
Should bloggers be paid? #smcsydKaty Daniells
Should bloggers be paid for time and effort? @matthewgain talks about smaller audiences and content #smcsydGavin Heaton
conglomerate has come up twice tonight. the label paradigm for bloggers #smcsyderietta
#smcsyd idea that individual blogs scale to revenue making models somewhat naieve – possible for minority not majority – blog is part of mixChristine
"Display ads aren't working for big media as well as bloggers. It's more about paying a blogger for expertise or engagement" #SMCSydSmarterBusinessIdeas
Need to think beyond simple monetization says @matthewgain – need to understand niche expertise available #smcsydGavin Heaton
#smcsyd please note hundreds of journalists made redundant b/c content companies don't think they are worth paying forChristine
"Bloggers are sometimes the most expert people in their field". But just as often not… #smcsydTara Sena-Becker
If your blog starts just for you and you later can make money from it, isn't that a win-win rather than being dishonest? #SMCSYDAdam Welch
It's about transparency, says @karlacourtney. Does your blog audience know you're being paid to post? #SMCSYDCameron Stead
RT @HarrisSmyth: RT @HarrisSmyth: #smcsyd please note hundreds of journalists made redundant b/c content companies don't think they are worth paying forDae Levine
Marketers care more about readership than engagement, but do readers engage less because blogs are monetised? #viciouscircle #smcsydNaomi Brooker
#smcsyd monetization derived from connection to audience and/or scarce or exceptional expertise – blog or silo for subject across platformsChristine
Should bloggers be paid? Some differing opinions on the panel. If its authentic & valuable for readers, why not? #smcsydSarah Peacock
There needs to be an exchange of value
The conversation shifted to encompass journalism, journalists and agencies. Perhaps there is even a role for consulting companies in this brave new world. The underlying theme remained not just blogging as a business, but on fair value. 
@servantofchaos media planning agencies will need some serious rehaul of their sources and sales model #smcsydFrederic Chanut
Is self-publishing the future of journalism? #smcsydTracey Yong
Question: are bloggers overlooked by big brands when it comes to media placement? #smcsydGavin Heaton
A blog is an excellent platform to establish expertise for consulting firms, which in turn can lead to new business. #smcsydFrancis McCarthy
Traditional media agencies overheads are too high! #smcsydKaty Daniells
That just happened: "Self-publishers are the future journalists." @danielkjellsson #SMCSYDAdam Welch
Chanel should go with @FELLTau over @vogueoz – self publishing is the future … you said a mouthful there @danielljellson #smcsydTania Debono
“@TraceyYong: Is self-publishing the future of journalism? #smcsyd” only if you are an old school VANITY PUBLISHER or exceptional expertChristine
@blurboz @blurbbooks @bronwen you'll love this: @danielkjellsson said 'self-publishing us the future of journalism' #smcsydJosephine Sabin
It was a little hard to hear some of the panelists due to a "dodgy microphone". Sometimes it was easier just to hear comments when shouted out. Or sent via Twitter 😉
Quick poll: Who else is in favour of ditching that dodgy mic? #smcsydFrancis McCarthy
Can I suggest we turn the volume up to 11 at #smcsyd can’t hear at the backScott Rhodie
@ScottRhodie I'd support that but crank it to 13 even #smcsyd hearing ftwAdam Sparke
Audience is quiet because it's hard to hear #smcsydGavin Heaton
Patty Huntington spoke about the experiment of using a paywall on her site. This elicited a lot of conversation amongst the audience but didn't get a lot of coverage in the cut and thrust of the panel. Patty responded later – indicating that traffic dipped initially but has now stabilised again.
#smcsyd @pattyhuntington you mentioned viewers getting around the pay wall, but how did it affect your site numbers?Annabel Jenkins
A blogger making millions is a while off yet – a reasonable steady income is the first step #SMCSYDTheRemarkablesGroup
Again we returned to the topic of expertise, payment and payment in-kind. 
You don't pay bloggers for their reach, you pay them for their engagement and expertise #SMCSYDElise Phillips
Bloggers can be journalists. Journalists can be bloggers. However more often than not there is a big difference #smcsydScott Rhodie
Some bloggers can take the monetisation and 'perk' aspects to the extreme… How do you keep it authentic? #smcsydAdam Sparke
RT @TaraJSB: RT @TaraJSB: "Bloggers are sometimes the most expert people in their field". But just as often not… #smcsydCarly Findlay
What constitutes full time professional bloggers? #smcsydKaty Daniells
There aren't a lot of full-time bloggers. I don't think that's the goal for most bloggers. A blog is a hub for content marketing. #smcsydFrancis McCarthy
#SMCSYD can think of a number of Australian "bloggers" who've carved out careers in their field of passion; their blog as their launch pad..N
athalie Swainston
There are full time bloggers making a living like @problogger @mumbrella etc – but they have a sophisticated approach #smcsydGavin Heaton
Some of the FELLT bloggers earn a full time income from blogging. Figures not disclosed #smcsydVivian M. Yang
"Bloggers are just small business people, like freelance journalists" Thus need to be request that same respect @pattyhuntington #SMCSydSmarterBusinessIdeas
@neesha_a we need 2 b apart of this RT @mumbrella: #smcsyd Social Media Club Sydney gets underway. It's been a while… Le
Patty asks the million $ q's – who actually makes a full time living from blogging? #smcsydTania Debono
I think if you can combine topics you are passionate about into blog(s) and make money from it… Do it! #smcsyd Gotta love what u do…Adam Sparke
Blogging can lead to other forms of paid work: speaking, consulting, design work. #smcsydFrancis McCarthy
RT @natface #SMCSYD can think of a number of Oz "bloggers" who've carved out careers in field of passion; their blog as their launch pad..Nicole Blaess-Smith
Surely as soon as bloggers turn to non genuine recommendations the point is lost? #smcsydKaty Daniells
Much of the discussion and questioning focused on elements like blogger outreach (agency side) and the merits or otherwise of sponsorship, ads and ad placement. Folks like @ProBlogger and @Mumbrella have much more sophisticated business models in place and have been able to successfully grow and develop audiences and shift across niches to varying degrees. Some good lessons from the US market as well as the local market to be investigated.
@brookemorrison @matthewgain plenty of ways to showcase expertise, shift audiences etc. Good digital strategy helps here #smcsydGavin Heaton
But is it appropriate to compare the US blogger landscape to ours? #smcsydTanya Chadha Phull
A blog needs to be niche is order to be successful in advertising, says @karlacourtney #SMCSYDCameron Stead
Audiences can be global 😉 RT @tanyaphull: But is it appropriate to compare the US blogger landscape to ours? #smcsydGavin Heaton
loving #smcsyd tweets … interesting debateSoph
The topic of "what is a blog" seemed to invigorate the audience and the panel. Sites like have become powerful media properties in their own right – but what can be learned from this? Is it a blog? What is the approach and how is it different from the approaches of the bloggers in the room?
#SMCSYD how do you define a blog? Is @mumbrella a blog?SocialMediaClubSYD
In the US blogs are required to be transparent by law #smcsydKaty Daniells
How do you define a blog? The lines are almost too blurry to tell #smcsydNaomi Brooker
Considering most publishers are struggling with monetization we should be careful about following a failing model #smcsydGavin Heaton
Building a publishing platform involves a digital strategy. Too many bloggers jump in then think they can monetize. Not that simple #smcsydScott Rhodie
. @mumbrella a blog because you're big? Thoughts? #smcsydAlexandra Mayhew
Who needs to be *at* #smcsyd when your feed is filled with the hashtag?! Thanks @ScottRhodie @servantofchaos @katydaniellsNehad Kenanie
blogs are now taking a more professional standard these days then yrs ago, & can be compared to traditional media @matthewgain #smcsydTania Debono
Your company's blog content is probably comparable to traditional media. The power of traditional media but in your hands. #SMCSydSmarterBusinessIdeas
#smcsyd did I just hear Daniel invoices 20k a month for a blog with 300k visitors month? #pleaseconfirm cc @danielkjellssonerietta
@A_Mayhew we happen to use a blog based platform, WordPress, but our commercial strategy is old skool publishing built on a brand #smcsydTim Burrowes
POV: Blogging is more to do with attitude. Do you aim for engagement or broadcast? #smcsydGavin Heaton
Blurred lines between blogs and traditional media; how do we define a blog when traditional media is using same techniques? #smcsydn2n Communications
Is it a blog when you just takes everyone else's pictures eg collage bloggers or one that has original content??? #smcsydTania Debono
You know what most blogs lack. Professional photography and good subbing #smcsydScott Rhodie
@Whereisannabel @natface @StylingYou and @HairRomance are examples #smcsydTheRemarkablesGroup
#smcsyd yes unique content is driver IF it is exceptional – in the 90s we called content curation AGGREGATION – weave the threads – be greatChristine
#SMCSYD blogging as the source versus Tumblr where you reblog other people's content via @karlacourtneySocialMediaClubSYD
Bloggers answer to their audience. If you fail your audience you're on your own #smcsydGavin Heaton
RT @servantofchaos: RT @servantofchaos: Bloggers answer to their audience. If you fail your audience you're on your own #smcsydAdam Sparke
@the_cakeface #smcsyd NO, blogging is original content otherwise just use Pinterest or tumblr.Kimberly Nissen
@servantofchaos Responsibilty lies with the blogger and the brand to keep a balance for readers #smcsydTheRemarkablesGroup
Is having a @tumblr blog really a blog? Sure is! #SMCSYDrach currie
Definitely! RT @rachcurrie: Is having a @tumblr blog really a blog? Sure is! #SMCSYDTanya Chadha Phull
And then that age old debate surfaced … journalists vs bloggers …
Journos v bloggers: 'journalism is fact checking & fact checking and getting right of reply' says @pattyhuntington #smcsydJosephine Sabin
If you are a good enough writer, can create unique content and deliver insightful information your blog still may not succeed 🙁 #smcsydScott Rhodie
Where does the line now begin/end when blogging becomes citizen journalism becomes news source? #smcsydAdam Welch
Only in some cases 😉 MT @roneo: Journos v bloggers: 'journalism is fact checking & fact checking and getting right of reply' #smcsydGavin Heaton
Because no matter what people need to be able to find you content. Tight SEO strategy is important #smcsydScott Rhodie
Want to make money out of your blog? Look to traditional publishing – sell something physical/concrete. New media, old tricks. #SMCSydCitizens of theWorld
Good example in the photog vertical: @52suburbs did a great job monetizing her photo blog (published a book, toured an exhibition). #smcsydJosephine Sabin
@rachcurrie yep! Love @tumblr – share what I find interesting from others as well as my own thoughts. Chaotic nature of it is fun #SMCSYD :)Roslyn McGinty
Let's face it – the age of the "Paid Post" is over. #SMCSydCitizens of theWorld
Advertising on blogs doesn't work- working with brands & gaining recognition to a wider audience is the key #smcsydTania Debono
#smcsyd journalism is also OpEd where we are talking about big $$$ rather than journeyman – own the field, have an insightful perspectiveChristine
Exactly. Personal branding. RT: @FrancisMcCarthy: Blogging can lead to other forms of paid work: speaking, consulting, design work. #smcsydJosephine Sabin
@ScottRhodie @rachcurrie @tumblr Visual storytelling at its best 🙂 #smcsydTanya Chadha Phull
And as the lines blurred, we returned again the personal nature of blogging. Do people start a blog to be successful or do they start from the passion and work from there. 
"I've never met a successful blogger that actually set out to be a successful blogger" @FELLTau founder @Danielkjellson #smcsydTania Debono
I never met a successful blogger that set up to be a successful blogger. #smcs
ydVivian M. Yang
I have! RT @VivianMYang: I never met a successful blogger that set up to be a successful blogger. #smcsydGavin Heaton
There is huge potential for bloggers to make an income for off-blog activity – eg in ad campaigns & brand ambassadors #smcsydTheRemarkablesGroup
#SMCSYD most successful bloggers don't set out to be successful bloggersSocialMediaClubSYD
"Not every blogger wants to monetize their blog" #smcsyd @HannahDeMiltaVivian M. Yang
Digital Buzz Blog was never created to be monitised – the passion for the subject needs to exist first #smcsydKaty Daniells
And then the $64,000 question came from the audience!
How much money are we talking about? Great question from the audience #smcsydGavin Heaton
#smcsyd most of the time blogs start out of passion and during the journey the blogger realises she can make money out of the contentcenkbaban
#smcsyd audience Q&A: "how much money are we talking about?" #bestquestionevererietta
Of course, no one wanted to own up to that answer!
RT @katydaniells: RT @katydaniells: Woah….she asked the question that you're not supposed to ask….$$s #smcsydJames Coyne
And in a cloud tinged with embarrassment the conversation shifted to the concept of burnout. How do you keep it fresh? How do you keep going (almost full circle to the questions at the beginning around length of time blogging).
How many bloggers experienced blogger burnout in the last year? #smcsydTanya Chadha Phull
#smcsyd blogger burnout… I know that feeling!Alexandra Mayhew
Yep, definitely a victim of "blogger burnout". More like 3 weeks than 3 years though… #SMCSYDTara Sena-Becker
Thinking of starting a blog? RT @rocketmanmedia: the challenge is finding the niche and filling it with content @karlacourtney #smcsydMark Woodrow
If you don't get blogger burnout you're just not doing it right #SMCSydCitizens of theWorld
@pattyhuntington likens the blog to art. One blogs because of the passion for subject, the desire to create. #SMCSYDAlexx
Teacher burn out is WAY worse TRUST me #smcsyd #blogging #tbexCaz Makepeace
Blog burnout, defiantly can relate to that one! #smcsydJarryd
So … it seems that this monetisation issue is rather complicated. What is the value to the blogger? What is the value to the brand? What about those media planners who sit in the middle?
Oh man, you can get free cardigans? #smcsydGavin Heaton
Love how the Internet disrupts existing power structures. journos v bloggers, blogs v trad online media. old becomes new again #smcsydJosephine Sabin
News journalist have the hardest job in media which is why there isn’t a lot of news bloggers compared to the ‘other’ areas #smcsydScott Rhodie
Bloggers vs journos – many mainstream media are threatened by online blogging leaders – check your stats who is reading your work #smcsydTania Debono
POV: often blogging is an investment in your own brand that you'd otherwise have to pay for #smcsydGavin Heaton
Monetising your blog doesn't have to have anything to do with traditional paid media. #smcsydMsCritique
YES –> @danielkjellsson: "Monetizing a blog doesn't have to have anything to do with advertising" (and rarely does!) #smcsydNathalie Swainston
Advertising comes from brands looking to push their product. The growth of non-news media stems a lot from ad growth #smcsydScott Rhodie
It's called "new media" for a reason #smcsydHair Romance
During Q+A the topic of disclosure came up.
#smcsyd basic legal advice on disclosure bloggers? CashForComment – audience wont trust you & mediawatch will ridicule you as they shouldChristine
POV: If you sell out you'll become less interesting and lose you're readership #smcsydKaty Daniells
You'll get burned either way says @karlacourtney on product disclosure. Sounds like good advice. #smcsydangela stengel
Disclosure: the cash for comment debate-disclose or be burned. if you sell out you will become uninteresting & lose readership #smcsydTania Debono
Isn't there an element of audience education on how blogs operate, and bloggers are funded, same with marketing or PR? #smcsydAdam Welch
In my opinion, disclosure should be mandatory. #smcsydTanya Chadha Phull
With great integrity comes great *potential* dollars, followers, engagement. #SMCSydSmarterBusinessIdeas
Comparing blogs to magazines in relation to disclosure is bullshit. Just because mags don't doesn't mean we shouldn't #SMCSYDElise Phillips
The UK and US have disclosure nailed #smcsydKaty Daniells
You don't need disclosure here – you will be found out and taken to #alanjonestown #smcsydGavin Heaton
Disclosure laws in Australia needs to be implemented but how does do you police this ? Says @matthewgain #smcsydTania Debono
AGREED! If you want to be seen as credible and professional, this —> RT @tanyaphull In my opinion, disclosure should be mandatory. #smcsydNathalie Swainston
Does Australia need disclosure laws for sponsored blog posts like the US/UK? #smcsydn2n Communications
Photo: #smcsyd the panel talking about the broad (and at time divisive) topic: The Age of Monetisation… Sabin
#smcsyd why ask non lawyers legal questions – the intl approach is industry self regulation not legislation – refer ACMAChristine
Disclosure or no disclosure, I just ASSUME a lot of blogs are influenced (to say the least) by PR and freebies. A little jaded… ##smcsydTara Sena-Becker
Journos must disclose junkets, why not bloggers? #smcsydAdam Welch
There should be more honesty and openness in declaring who supplies holidays/gifts/products to both bloggers and journos #smcsydScott Rhodie
To be fair, there are some agencies + orgs who *are* ethical + demand disclosure from "their bloggers" regardless of post sentiment #smcsydNathalie Swainston
@danielkjellsson says never did he receive freebies as he did in traditional media. If bloggers must disclose, why not trad. media? #SMCSYDAlexx
Agreed… "@AdamDWelch: Journos must disclose junkets, why not bloggers? #smcsyd"Adam Sparke
If blogs need to disclose their sponsors, what about print magazines? Advertisers? PRs? 'Story sponsored by'? #smcsydTara Sena-Becker
Sometimes the lines blur – if you are given a new phone do you disclose every tweet? #smcsydGavin Heaton
Photo: Tonight’s panel… #smcsyd (Taken with Instagram at Shelbourne Hotel) Sabin
When do bloggers need to disclose not only their freebies but also their income from ads on brand influenced videos or content? #smcsydAdam Sparke
RT @StufThatIBought: RT @StufThatIBought: Very few people make straight cash from their blog, but it's like an online portfolio to make money elsewhere #SMCSYDAdeline Er
thinking of starting a blog?… Don't give up your day job! #SMCSYDDene Gambotto
“@AdamDWelch: Journos must disclose junkets, why not bloggers? #smcsyd” non-disclosed gifts limit $10 at Fairfax – less than a good lippyChristine
If in doubt, disclose – @matthewgain #SMCSYD #bloggingCameron Stead
Fashion and news never sleep – @pattyhuntington. Amen sister #SMCSYD #fashionCameron Stead
@karlacourtney you can tweet and present? Awesome 😉 #smcsydGavin Heaton
In my years in PR I have found some bloggers feel ‘entitled’ to freebies and more… #theotherside #smcsydScott Rhodie
Same… "@ScottRhodie: In my years in PR I have found some bloggers feel ‘entitled’ to freebies and more… #theotherside #smcs
yd"Adam Sparke
You can call me entitled all you want but there is no reason to put brand content on my blog without payment #smcsyd #personalbloggerZoey Martin
#smcsyd much of this discussion reminds me of FREE press – timeout London is now FREE to keep advtg revenue per distribution – also bad payChristine
@HarrisSmyth you'd be lucky to get a beer for that #smcsydAdam Welch
A tale as old as time… RT @ThangNgo The bloggers vs journos argument comes up again… #smcsydMi Casa-Su Casa
@matthewgain If in doubt, disclose #smcsydTheRemarkablesGroup
Proof if proof be needs be… @sullmcintyre #smcsyd 😉 @ Shelbourne Hotel Swainston
Someone has chips! #smcsydGavin Heaton
No one mentioned the elephant in the room. Darren Rowse (@ProBlogger) is Australia's leading blogger – and has been able to grow a global audience and a massive online following across social media channels. And then Cenk had to bring it up! 😉
#smcsyd interesting not to hear @ProBlogger mentioned in a topic about blog monetisationcenkbaban
RT @cenkbaban: RT @cenkbaban: #smcsyd interesting not to hear @ProBlogger mentioned in a topic about blog monetisationThang Ngo
was thinking same thing "@cenkbaban: #smcsyd interesting not to hear @ProBlogger mentioned in a topic about blog monetisation"Adam Sparke
Yes @problogger casts a silent shadow over this entire topic 😉 #smcsydGavin Heaton
@servantofchaos is there any other kind of shadow? 🙂 #Silent #smcsydDarren Rowse
#smcsyd @matthewgain good on you for mentioning Darren from @problogger he's a success storyThang Ngo
No love lost between @pattyhuntington and @danielkjellsson #smcsydKaty Daniells
Really great panel tonight. Thanks #smcsydTracey Yong
Not just own brand co's 2 RT@servantofchaos POV often blogging is investment in your own brand that you'd otherwise have to pay 4 #smcsydChris Paine
Great folks here (even though I'm present too)! #smcsyd Kjellsson
@TheRemarksGroup reading the chatter from #SMCSYD thanks for making me feel confident I can eventually make money from this blogging caper!Angela East
Food for thought. #SMCsyd. In the interests of full disclosure, this tweet was brought to you by American Apparel.kayleigh
@servantofchaos 'Someone has chips' is the funniest tweet I've seen tonite but it doesn't exist unless u take a pic of it @SMCSYD #SMCSYDSimonLeong
@matthewgain Loved your contribution at #smcsyd esp abt how the lines btwn traditional media & blogs r blurring. Wished you spoke more!Vivian M. Yang
My takeaway from #SMCSYD tonight – Making money on your blog via ads is a pipedream. Instead, use your blog to build your profile.Ryan Tracey
RT @mumbrella: RT @mumbrella: #smcsyd Social Media Club Sydney gets underway. It's been a while… Carver
Talking to few bloggers today at #smcsyd I came to the realisation that in order to love my job I had to be a little nuts. Try to tell bea…Frederic Chanut

Go Where Others Don’t – The Digital Newsroom of Medecins Sans Frontieres Australia

msftv There is a lot of talk about brands becoming publishers – as if it was a simple transformation achieved by the stroke of a budget making biro. But what does it really take?

In Australia, Medicins Sans Frontieres or “doctors without borders” aim to put this to the test.

Médecins Sans Frontières is the world’s leading independent organisation for medical humanitarian aid, providing relief after natural disasters, helping victims of conflict and running emergency feeding programs. Working in war zones much of their work happens far from the eyes of the world.

And while MSF are known as a “below the radar” organisation – this poses real challenges for sharing stories, building awareness and engaging with potential sponsors, donors and the interested public.

For the month of October, MSF TV aims to address this challenge head on, creating a digital newsroom to bring stories directly to the public. There are:

  • Seven channels of video content aimed to stimulate conversation
  • Conversations amplified through the #msftv hashtag on Twitter
  • Live updates and headlines from around the world
  • Interviews from those on-the-ground
  • Hosted debates on Facebook and on MSF TV
  • YouTube channel with an archive of episodes and issues from the MSF TV site

The rise of digital opens new opportunities for brands to go peer-to-peer

Marketers generally think in terms of business-to-business or business-to-consumer communications. But the rise of digital has changed the landscape. It’s not one-to-many but one-FOR-many communications. The old B2B and B2C distinctions are crumbling under the weight of social media – with communicators now working in a peer-to-peer conversation.

Very few organisations have followed this path thus far. It’s complicated, challenging and exciting. MSF and their partner agency, Republic of Everyone, are trailblazing. They truly are going where others don’t. But we can only expect more to follow.

News Analysis: Google Takes on Financial Services

In the UK, Google is set to launch a new financial services division with a new credit business the first product to market. As Adam Clark Estes reports, the initial offering will provide businesses with a small line of credit linked specifically to Google’s AdWords program.

A number of items within the announcement are worthy of attention:

  • It’s a new product within a new division of Google
  • The plan is to expand to countries beyond the UK in the “next few weeks”
  • Credit cards will be issued with very competitive rates

Why This Is Important

  • Financial services is a fresh field ready for disruption: Disruption in the financial services sector has been a long time coming. The sweeping tide of digital has washed through most sectors but has been held back from regulated sectors like financial services, healthcare and pharmaceuticals. Innovators are seeking a way into these lucrative markets
  • Google understands speed to market: Many industries rollout new offerings over extended time frames. It can take years for innovations in one national market to reach another. Google’s intention clearly intends to move very quickly to cement a foothold
  • The loan book is the thin edge of the wedge: As I suggested at a recent personal lending conference, disruptive competition is likely to come from outside the financial services industry. Cash Converters in the UK last year saw 154% growth in their personal loan book; in Australia they experienced a not insubstantial 28% growth. This is not about bit players – it’s about trends – and there is a wave of change coming. Google plan to be surfing this wave

The Bottom Line: Connected Consumers Shift to Where their Sense of Trust Takes Them

Despite advertising and branding blitzes over the previous 24 months, most financial services companies are viewed with suspicion by many of their customers. Long term lock-in has allowed FS companies to claw back GFC losses and to grow. This move by Google (and the accompanying announcement by Amazon) will capture the imagination of Connected Consumers – the tech savvy early adopters of a disaffected consumer world. Google has been building trust with Connected Consumers for years, turning every search result, every click and every app login into a brand experience. This may be the first step in what could truly be a transformative monetization strategy.

Your POV

Would you take a loan from Google for AdWords? What about cash? Where do you see this leading? Add your comments or send us an email.

Please let us know if you need help with your digital strategy efforts.  Here’s how we can assist:

  • Assessing social business/digital marketing readiness
  • Considering new digital community strategy
  • Developing your social business/digital marketing  strategy
  • Designing a data to decisions strategy
  • Create a new vision of the future of work
  • Deliver a new customer experience and engagement strategy
  • Crafting a new matrix commerce strategy

Five Must-Read Posts from Last Week

5MustReads It feels a bit like back to the future this week – but with a touch of foresight!

Most of the must-reads that I have pulled out of the thousands of articles skimmed, checked and read last week come from those writers that I was most influenced by in my early blogging days. To this day they produce quality insight and actionable thinking. And if you don’t already subscribe to their feeds, do so – you’ll be glad you did.

  1. There is a lot of talk about social business – but much of it centres on the topic of technology. But we all know there’s much more to it that this. David Armano explains technology will only solve 1/3 of your social business problem
  2. Almost anything you read on Quartz, the recently launched “digitally native news outlet” is worth reading. With content defined by “obsessions” rather than “beats” you are bound to find more than you bargained for. This article on the diminishing returns of Facebook’s next billion users shows where the attention of the social media behemoth will need to shift
  3. I have long been a fan of John Seely Brown and his thinking on the subject of social learning. This animated highlights package from one of his recent talks – cultivating the entrepreneurial learner in the 21st century – is jam-packed with goodness
  4. Olivier Blanchard dismembers a recent Forrester report that was reported with the catchy headline “Forrester: Facebook and Twitter do almost nothing to drive sales”. The problem with bad science suggests Olivier, is that it can lead to poor strategic decisions. Read, learn and think
  5. Case studies can be brilliant for your content marketing – yet so many of them are written so poorly. Drew McLellan explains there are seven keys to compelling case studies

#PMdigital–The Australian Prime Minister’s Digital Forum

On Friday, October 5, the Australian Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, hosted a forum on the digital economy. Streamed via the web it brought together business leaders, academics, politicians and small business owners. Through out the day, speakers returned to the themes that are driving change in our lives – what we refer to as the five forces of the consumerisation of IT. PLUS the need for skills and training – ways to impact the culture of business, drive change in our workforces and prepare our teams for the future of work.

This storify captures and curates the topics from the day.

Forum on the Digital Economy

The Australian Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, hosted a forum on the digital economy. It brought together more than 30 senior business representatives, entrepreneurs and industry bodies to discuss how Australia can best maintain an edge in growing the digital economy.

Storified by Gavin Heaton · Sat, Oct 06 2012 22:28:30

In Sydney today. Meeting with teaching students at UNSW then Forum on the Digital Economy. Ask questions on #pmdigital before 12. JGJulia Gillard
@servantofchaos so far, i see too many men, too many old men, and too many suits #pmdigitalforum /@FLTBTGalan jones
RT @thefetch: RT @thefetch: For those following the #pmdigital #pmdigitalforum check out what’s going on in digital in Australia on …Nicole Matejic
@bigyahu & same group of old male suits are throwing out ideas "guaranteed" to get more interest in STEM subjects from girls #pmdigitalforumJennifer Macdonald
POV: It’s about the 5 forces of consumerisation of IT – from transactions to engagement #pmdigitalforumGavin Heaton
RT @techAU: RT @techAU: Wow.. 70% of Australia Post parcel shipping is generated from online sales #PMDigitalForummygivee
@tuna Yep – it looks like an intro for Gov/Big Business to what’s been going on for years #pmdigitalforumGavin Heaton
RT @servantofchaos: RT @servantofchaos: If someone’s going to cannibalise our business, it should be us: @australiapost #pmdigitalforumGionest Greene
Prime Minister’s Forum on the Digital Economy (with images, tweets) Storify by @yawcrc #pmdigital #pmdigitalforum ^BTConnecting Up
RT @geeksrulz: RT @geeksrulz: PM held the forward looking #pmdigitalforum today about the digital economy while Abbott played navel gazing narcissistic …j4gypsy
RT @MissLaurenMoss: RT @MissLaurenMoss: No young representation. How is this still happening?!! #pmdigitalforumNurse Whitebeard
RT @jalbinag: RT @jalbinag: many pens, not many ipads/tablets on the #pmdigitalforum table :)Antonio Tirado
RT @servantofchaos: RT @servantofchaos: Way more than $1 trillion at stake in the workplace of the future #pmdigitalforum #futureofwork Rasquilha
RT @servantofchaos: RT @servantofchaos: Really? Young people shouldn’t be represented at #pmdigital #pmdigitalforum? I see that oversight as a major failKathy Magee
RT @MissLaurenMoss: RT @MissLaurenMoss: No young representation. How is this still happening?!! #pmdigitalforumMarie Bismark
RT @servantofchaos: RT @servantofchaos: Hearing a lot about leadership, culture and change #pmdigital #pmdigitalforum Like to hear these leaders actually co …Alfred Fuhr
RT @servantofchaos: RT @servantofchaos: POV: Still not a fan of "fail fast". We need to fail + learn = #flearn #pmdigital #pmdigitalforumAlfred Fuhr
RT @servantofchaos: RT @servantofchaos: "The digital economy is like a train that we can’t stop". All aboard! #pmdigital #pmdigitalforumAlfred Fuhr
Brilliant – thanks! MT @mattner_d: Stats on #pmdigital & #pmdigitalforum at & @yawcrc Storify at Leong
For those following the #pmdigital #pmdigitalforum check out what’s going on in digital in Australia on @JuliaGillardThe Fetch
RT @mattner_d: RT @mattner_d: For the data curious, stats on #pmdigital and #pmdigitalforum at and a Storify from @yawcrc at http: …David Pecotic
Enterprises are continuing to watch the startup sector – seeking emergent and best practices, new ways of working and opportunities to outcompete their competitors. 
RT @servantofchaos: "we have to educate our managers … to work in flatter hierarchies" #pmdigital #pmdigitalforum Yep – agreeNiki Gallo Hammond
RT @bhowarth In the digital world being clever is not enough – we need infrastructure, education, awareness & a sense of urgency #pmdigitalSam Searle
RT @servantofchaos: RT @servantofchaos: Heh – Love that Dell talk about "how can we be like @atlassian": @kiwilark #pmdigitalforumEO San Francisco
RT @yawcrc: RT @yawcrc: Tony Shepherd arguing for NBN "most powerful utility AU has ever seen" #pmdigital watch now: Whitebeard
ok here is the #pmdigital #pmdigitalforum theme song..#nbnconnection "the dreamers, the doers & the dollars"
Absolutely. RT @servantofchaos "Technical skills are not enough – we need boundary crossing skills" – excellent #pmdigital #pmdigitalforumChristopher Hewett
Andrew Stevens, CEO of IBM Australia brought up the topic of remote working or “teleworking” – something that has been widespread in the tech community for years. Wider adoption of this alternative way of working taps into the #futureofwork as a business theme.
Andrew form IBM notes that the 20th century is the first century where people ‘go’ to work #pmdigitalAlan Cockerill
Oh and by the way, when Andrew Stevens says "telework" he doesn’t mean watching Oprah #pmdigital #pmdigitalforumGavin Heaton
Love it! Andrew Stevens taking the work/life balance as a 20th century concept to #pmdigital #pmdigitalforumKristyNapier
The C20 was the only century where people left home to go to work. #pmdigital #IBMNarelle
technologically competence isn’t enough we need boundary crossing skills , integrating skilling , leadership and collaboration #pmdigitalJeffrey Rufino
POV: All those micro-managers that we have created will freak over teleworking #futureofwork #pmdigital #pmdigitalforumGavin Heaton
Doing a little dance of fandom of the teleworking (sitting at home, running team meetings, watching #pmdigital #pmdigitalforum)KristyNapier
I really like Andrew Steven’s comment on 20th Century was the last century where people had to leave home to work #pmdigitalKarina Silva
Can we rebrand Telework? Sounds like working on the phone #CallCentre #PMDigitalForumJason Cartwright
"The digital economy is like a train that we can’t stop". All aboard! #pmdigital #pmdigitalforumGavin Heaton
larger orgs harder to digital-morph due to lack of people with exp. dealing with the corporate beast as well as tech skill #pmdigitalforumjorge albinagorta
ive been surprised in moving from netherlands to nz, then oz at the very low levels of #telework support here #networkedpractice #pmdigitalJoyce Seitzinger
technical skills are not enough, we need boundary-crossing skills to build the digital economy. Its not just technical competence #pmdigitalDigital Sydney
"we have to educate our managers … to work in flatter hierarchies" #pmdigital #pmdigitalforum Yep – agreeGavin Heaton
We need to test the connections between education, business and innovation #pmdigitalforumChete
Many speakers called attention to Australia’s National Broadband Network (NBN). A hot political football in public debate, business leaders made it clear that they saw the NBN as a vital base for future innovation.
Lots of support for NBN at the #pmdigitalforum and its essential role as strategic web infrastructureGavin Heaton
“@techAU: NBN is NOT an expensive investment #PMDigitalForum” NO the necessary investment is being done very expensively!Rohan J Gre
RT @jeffreyrufino: RT @jeffreyrufino: NBN isnt expensive. we need better PR. Overcome the ignorance . NBN is a great invesment. #pmdigitalScott
"The most powerful utility the world has ever seen" #NBN #PMDigitalForumJason Cartwright
RT @DBCDEgov: RT @DBCDEgov: PM: Need to get #NBN out there because of how it will change our economy, service delivery and productivity #pmdigitalRoger Woodward FCA
"We’ve got to overcome the ignorance around NBN" #pmdigital #pmdigitalforumGavin Heaton
POV: We don’t need a vision. We need some commitment and support for what’s already happening #pmdigital #pmdigitalforumGavin Heaton
The conversation shifted to demographics. On the forum were representatives from the Baby Boomer and Gen X demographics – but Gen Y – the so-called “digital natives” or “net generation” were conspicuously absent. It appears that they were not invited.
Quote #pmdigitalforum "the net generation aren’t even represented here, not that they should be, don’t get me wrong.." er, why?? #pmdigitalJennifer Macdonald
Really? Young people shouldn’t be represented at #pmdigital #pmdigitalforum? I see that oversight as a major failGavin Heaton
@servantofchaos maybe we are living in some alternate universe and it’s not actually 2012? #pmdigitalLauren Moss
RT @craigthomler: RT @craigthomler: @MissLaurenMoss @servantofchaos excluding population aged under 30 from #pmdigital is an oversight. Includes over 8 mi …Lauren Moss
RT @yawcrc: RT @yawcrc: “The net generation are now 25% of the population and will overtake baby boomers by end of this decade.” #pmdigital http://t …Kathy Magee
When @vibewire created #electionwire with Google’s help it changed the nature of participation in digital democracy #pmdigitalforumGavin Heaton
RT @servantofchaos: RT @servantofchaos: If we are talking about the "future", why aren’t there more (any) young people at #pmdigitalforum cc @vibewirewilldonovan
POV: Digital is not just taking what we already do and going online. We need to rethink the nature of what we do #pmdigital #pmdigitalforumGavin Heaton
RT @yawcrc: RT @yawcrc: “Young ppl: freest living ppl ever in history, most educated, astonishing. Better start to understand them.” #pmdigital http …TheDeafGuy
RT @Edmonton_Biz: RT @Edmonton_Biz: @servantofchaos @vibewire #pmdigitalforum could it be young people just do it?
@NickosKitchen discussed the opportunity for innovative content producers.
Love the comment from @NickosKitchen: "I export content and import views." Social media & small business at the #PMdigitalforumBen Leong
lol – treat your audience like your girlfriend #pmdigital #pmdigitalforumGavin Heaton
Was that a quote?! RT @servantofchaos: lol – treat your audience like your girlfriend #pmdigital #pmdigitalforumwilldonovan
Oh god, not more people saying digital & social media marketing is free!? IT’S NOT, nothing is free, especially this!! #pmdigitalforumMartin Walsh
RT @servantofchaos: RT @servantofchaos: The PM is doing a good job in her role as Tony Jones #pmdigital #pmdigitalforum #qandaTim Fawcett
RT @DigitalHume: RT @DigitalHume: Good commentary from Bill Scott on opportunities for agriculture & the #digitaleconomy on the #PMdigitalforum http: …Cisco ANZ
One of the recurring themes of the day was on the topic of education and skilling. A great deal of attention was paid to the topic of technology skills – but this was also seen as just one element. Business culture, innovation and social learning was also on the agenda.
Skills don’t happen in isolation. You need communities and spaces too. That’s what’s been going on at @vibewire #pmdigital #pmdigitalforumGavin Heaton
A good example of self-organising skills/training is #pmdigital #pmdigitalforumGavin Heaton
We also need the cultural transformation to match the skilling needs #pmdigitalforumGavin Heaton
RT @techAU: What about making programming part of the curriculum Prime Miniter? #PMdigitalforum #FutureEd <- that’s what the UK are doingchieftech
"Priorise ICT in schools" says CSIRO #PMDigitalForumJason Cartwright
Hearing a lot about leadership, culture and change #pmdigital #pmdigitalforum Like to hear these leaders actually committing to it tooGavin Heaton
POV: Vertical hierarchies may be breaking down but we’re a long way from seeing this in most workplaces #pmdigital #pmdigitalforumGavin Heaton
RT @servantofchaos: RT @servantofchaos: Way more than $1 trillion at stake in the workplace of the future #pmdigitalforum #futureofwork Johnson
@chieftech #pmdigitalforum @servantofchaos this relevant Lessons for Enterprise from Facebook and its 1 billion users Adamson
RT @techAU: RT @techAU: Wow.. 70% of Australia Post parcel shipping is generated from online sales #PMDigitalForumCarolina Timm
"Being cloud first" is essential for business innovation. #PMDigitalForumAlana Fisher
RT @techAU: RT @techAU: @kwebb @chieftech – We need both, but not everybody needs nursing skills in 2050. #pmdigitalforumDart Wooden
yet we do have the tools & the skills to facilitate knowledge transfer at "cloud" speed, but its needs support #pmdigitalforumchieftech
now @scottfarkas is sharing his @atlassian experience – talking about the impact of globalisation #pmdigitalforumchieftech
Small businesses were seen as major beneficiaries in the shift to digital, yet many lack the skills and experience needed to take advantage of the opportunities.
Interesting @servantofchaos 46% of GDP comes from small business – we see SMB move to the cloud to support that growth @xero #pmdigitalforummaryella hatfield
Most studies show ~65%+ AU #smallbiz have no website. Driving Biz Online program is good start, but what is govt doing? #PMDigitalForumAlana Fisher
"There’s an education gap in small business for [digital] retail" #pmdigitalforumGavin Heaton
Catch Of The Day initially set out to sell 60 items/day on eBay. What a great digital success story from @pookiman #PMDigitalForumAlana Fisher
RT @servantofchaos: RT @servantofchaos: SMB want the simplification of IT that cloud delivers: @xero #pmdigitalforumbigwags
RT @techAU: RT @techAU: This year, 25% of PayPal’s transactions in Australia are done on mobile, projections of up to 70% #PMDigitalForumBen Teoh
Australia Post straddles the enterprise and small business market. 
"Get with the [digital] program" says @australiapost #pmdigitalforumGavin Heaton
Technology is not driving change. Consumers are driving change. It’s obligation to serve our customers: @australiapost #pmdigitalforumGavin Heaton
We need to win the early scale challenges says @australiapost #pmdigitalforumGavin Heaton
“@servantofchaos: Amazon now sell half of the nappies sold in the US: Stephen Conroy #pmdigitalforum” #retail #CloudJames Gorry
If someone’s going to cannibalise our business, it should be us: @australiapost #pmdigitalforumGavin Heaton
If we don’t want to end up like Kodak, what are we going to do to adapt? @australiapost #pmdigitalforumGavin Heaton
RT @servantofchaos: RT @servantofchaos: POV: Lots of talk about disruptive technology at #pmdigitalforum – but it’s driven by peopleTatiana Tosi
Xero – SaaS accounting software platform – bring cloud computing to the small business sector – but are also finding that as a business theme, mobility is having a massive impact on the way small businesses perform.
"business owners are truly mobile": @xero #pmdigitalforumGavin Heat
46% of GDP comes from small business – we see SMB move to the cloud to support that growth: @xero #pmdigitalforumGavin Heaton
Aussie businesses aren’t making effective use of IT, missing 12% productivity benefit #pmdigitalforumchieftech
Yep – big data, mobility, social, unified comms and cloud converge #pmdigitalforumGavin Heaton
Conroy joins in the conversation to discuss the #NBN #PMDigitalForum – Cartwright
POV: Would have liked to have seen more digital ways to participate #pmdigitalforumGavin Heaton
Agile and Scrum dev get a mention #Amazing #developerDeveloperDeveloper #PMDigitalForumJason Cartwright
Andy Lark, CMO of the Commonwealth Bank spoke of the need to build digital skills into the workforce.
"If we don’t grow a digital savvy workforce, we will lag the world fast": @kiwilark #pmdigitalforumGavin Heaton
POV: @aussiefarmersd are a good example of the on and offline / omni channel strategy is ascendant #pmdigitalforumGavin Heaton
POV: Education should NOT follow the #retail sector – but there does need to be a new education experience #pmdigitalforumGavin Heaton
Exactly – online drives off – we may learn online but we need to connect IRL #pmdigitalforumGavin Heaton
When we can enrol in a course in < 2minutes it changes the way we think of the future #pmdigitalforumGavin Heaton
Digital pioneer, Steve Vamos brought up the topic of failure, learning and the importance of continuous innovation.
If I wasn’t prepared to learn then I would suffer. If I wasn’t prepared to fail, then I wouldn’t learn: @stevevamos #flearn #pmdigitalforumGavin Heaton
POV: Still not a fan of "fail fast". We need to fail + learn = #flearn #pmdigital #pmdigitalforumGavin Heaton
Management practices in the digital era are significantly different: @stevevamos #pmdigitalforumGavin Heaton
@megabowman Puffles says lots of boards of directors tend to only hear the risks associated with social media, not benefits #pmdigitalThe Dragon Fairy
many pens, not many ipads/tablets on the #pmdigitalforum table :)jorge albinagorta
digital transformation is more cultural than technological #pmdigitalforumjorge albinagorta
RT @servantofchaos: "It’s the obligation of every CEO to bring your staff along with you on this digital transformation" #pmdigitalforumStephen Ellis
POV: While Virgin think "access" is the important aspect. I think it’s more about engagement #pmdigitalforumGavin Heaton
RT @kellysaysthat: RT @kellysaysthat: #pmdigital Big business gets way too much credit for doing a moderate job in Social. #pmdigitalMartina
RT @servantofchaos: RT @servantofchaos: Great point from @bhowarth – need to bring startup culture and thinking to the big end of town too #pmdigitalforumIBMAus_news
"It’s the obligation of every CEO to bring your staff along with you on this digital transformation" #pmdigitalforumGavin Heaton
CommBank and @kiwilark get a mention re innovation and tech for enterprise #pmdigitalforumGavin Heaton
And more happening with @digital_sydney, @pollenizer etc #pmdigitalforumGavin Heaton
@servantofchaos its really funny there is a ground swell, but it takes govt/big business 5 years to notice… #tooslow #PMDigitalForumGary Barber
The discussion shifted to the importance of physical spaces – and the emergence of digital precincts as hubs for startups and innovators.
Great to hear talk of the innovation precincts that are emerging in Australia – eg UTS, Vibewire and Fishburners in Ultimo #pmdigitalforumGavin Heaton
@shoesofprey talks about the disappointment with IIF grants ending #pmdigitalforumGavin Heaton
RT @servantofchaos: RT @servantofchaos: "There’s an education gap in small business for [digital] retail" #pmdigitalforumDigital Newcastle
RT @servantofchaos: RT @servantofchaos: As Tony Faure says we need to encourage experimentation #pmdigitalforum – time to "#FLEARN"Matt Jones
Love that Angel and VC funding are being dicussed at this level in Australia, it’s been a long time coming #PMdigitalforumJason Cartwright
RT @constructivco: Check out @pollenizer for more information. Great contributions at #PMDigitalForumGavin Heaton
Tony Faure from incubator, Pollenizer, discussed the legislative and regulation challenges that governments have put in place and how they inhibit innovation in the startup sector. A key element of this is the taxation implications around employee share options.
@glengyron Grants are available but often not taken up through lack of awareness #pmdigitalforumGavin Heaton
RT @servantofchaos: Lots of support for NBN at the #pmdigitalforum and its essential role as strategic web infrastructureConstellation RG
"Our current regulations around employee share options … need to change" #pmdigitalforumGavin Heaton
As Tony Faure says we need to encourage experimentation #pmdigitalforum – time to "#FLEARN"Gavin Heaton
Various grants are available to help support Australian startups – but many are just not aware of the support available.
Less than half of Australian startups have received a grant. Need more help here #pmdigitalforumGavin Heaton
Why would that be good? RT @servantofchaos: Less than half of Australian startups have received a grant. Need more help here #pmdigitalforumGlengyron
Bill Shorten discussed social media, suggesting that “empowered individuals” had not translated to the workplace.
RT @megabowman: RT @megabowman: Social media as empowered individuals but this hasn’t translated to workplaces – Bill Shorten #pmdigitalJosé M Villanueva
RT @yawcrc: RT @yawcrc: Technologies can enable marginalised and vulnerable young people’s participation in supportive online spaces #pmdigital http …Pantallas Sanas
The Prime Minister, Julia Gillard began to close down the discussion – summarising the day’s proceedings and main themes – and bringing up the Governments “cyber whitepaper”.
Ha! "Cyber white paper" … that’s so last century #pmdigital #pmdigitalforumGavin Heaton
@JuliaGillard please note there is a cloud strategy for your government see: #pmdigital #gov2auCraigThomler
cloud computing is one of the major discussions #pmdigital a cyber white paper is being released soon. asian century of growth, security.Jeffrey Rufino
Confusion between the aims of the cyber whitepaper and the national digital economy strategy doesn’t seem to be resolved #pmdigitalReid Elliott
RT @craigthomler: RT @craigthomler: @JuliaGillard please note there is a cloud strategy for your government see: #pmdigital #gov2auJeffrey Rufino
Exactly my thought RT @craigthomler @JuliaGillard please note there is cloud strategy for your gov #pmdigital #gov2auPia Waugh
PM summing u 4 issues for follow-up: tech skills, telework education, cloud strategy & broad cyber/digital whitepaper #pmdigitalBrad Howarth
#pmdigital outcomes 1) PM is asking Chris Evans to meet with a breakout number from the #pmdigital attendees to talk. 2) telework importantPia Waugh
#pmdigital outcomes 2 cont’d) telework goals for Aus workforce. Second breakout group of attendees to meet with Secretaries on teleworkingPia Waugh
#pmdigital outcomes 3) cloud: need to spread what can mean for SMEs, Minister Conroy to bring ppl together to disc
uss it & create strategyPia Waugh
#pmdigital outcomes 4) Cyber Whitepaper soon to come and expanded to Digital Whitepaper. Also Asian Century of Growth whitepaper comingPia Waugh
#pmdigital outcomes 4 cont’d) they will get people in room to contribute to Digital Whitepaper too. Personal note: how about the rest of us?Pia Waugh
As the conversation wound down, many suggested that this should be the first step in an ongoing conversation – not the end of the story.
Tremendous discussions today at #pmdigital at UNSWCisco ANZ
Online privacy and safety hugely important but not on agenda at #pmdigital. Nice to talk about potential and positives for a little while!Young and Well CRC
Sounds like an interesting day at the Digital Forum today – thanks for all the tweets #pmdigitalJessica Fell
RT @DBCDEgov: RT @DBCDEgov: PM: we need to work together to seize opportunities – bring together the dreamers the doers and the dollars #pmdigitalBrendan Brooks
"We’ve got the best and the brightest". Actually, loads of expertise out here in digital land that could contribute to #pmdigital…Pia Waugh
Enjoyed following #pmdigital all afternoon – great complement to the webcast.clairemcfarland
.@DBCDEgov Hey guys, will there be a report or anything from today? Be great to collate perspectives and get some peer review 🙂 #pmdigitalPia Waugh
RT @DBCDEgov: RT @DBCDEgov: Want to get involved in #telework? sign up for National Telework Week #pmdigital #NTWaudavidelliot
Talkfest at #pmdigital but where is the tweetstream… where are the online notes for each speaker, where is the real time voting +1…Richard Ferrers
RT @servantofchaos: RT @servantofchaos: POV: We don’t need a vision. We need some commitment and support for what’s already happening #pmdigital #pmdigitalforumJavier Gallego
Where next? How do we get involved? RT @craigthomler: What will be the outcomes of the #pmdigital forum?Gavin Heaton

You Had Me at Hello–20 Tips for Social Media Engagement

“I don’t have time for that”.

How many times have you heard those lines? It is often the first reaction to a new technology. It is the cold fish, slap-in-the-face of the overwhelmed. The desperate cry of the overworked.

Many times we let technology get in the way. It can confuse us or stop us from trying something new. Its first appearance looks like more work, more effort, more stress. More of everything that is bad.

But when we look back at improvements in productivity, technology is, without a doubt, the driving force. It has made our lives better – reducing boring, repetitive tasks, improving the speed of our decision making and delivering lightning fast, global communications  to our desktops, fingertips and pockets. And yet, for many of us, new technology stops us in our tracks. After all, we are not all “early adopters” eager to try, use and show something new.

Often when we say “I don’t have time for that”, really we are saying, “I’m tired of this relentless change. I’m comfortable with the way I work. I’m good at it and I am busy doing what I am already doing.” In the end it appears to be change for technology’s sake.

But if the world of social media has taught us anything, it is that technology can also be transformative – it can change the way we do things. And it can change the way we think about things. It can change our attitudes.

But where do you start? This great 20 tip playbook from Salesforce Radian6 brings a decisively human element to the technology conversation (and I am not just saying this because I am mentioned in it). And while the focus is social media – this same approach can be equally applied to any communication challenge that you face. After all, it’s not about the technology – it’s about the people. Start by saying hello.


Trust and the Marketer

Consumers have always suspected marketers. Of something.

But this “something” has always been elusive. Hard to pin down.

In the back of the mind of most consumers, there is a small voice – a remnant of our evolutionary instinct – that warns us of a potential risk, a trap. The limbic system is part of our pre-verbal brain that we commonly refer to as “gut instinct”. And because it works without language, we are often challenged to put these feelings into words. As a result, we are left with a sense of mistrust. Something vague. Indiscernible.

But the limbic brain is also the space of creativity. It is the place of imagination and symbolism. And it is the essential playground of the marketer.

Each day, as consumers are bombarded with 3000+ messages, it is the limbic brain that acts as a first level of defence. Most droll pieces of advertising or communication are discarded – with only the most creative and most relevant breaking through.

These days, marketers have to work even harder to cut through the noise and confusion. It’s not just about creativity. It’s also about psychology, human behaviour (change) and analytics. We need to cover all four.

Over the last few years, Australian TV show, Gruen Planet, has peeled back the layers of the mysterious advertising onion. It has laid bare the role of planning and strategy, creative, copy, image and production. Blogs like Adam Ferrier’s Consumer Psychologist provide insight and analysis into what people buy and why they do so.

Infographics like the one below, provide a neat way of understanding some of the techniques used in advertising – but my limbic brain also tells me that we need a different approach now. Sure these approaches will continue to work – but we need to go further. We need to build a different kind of marketing – one that does not set off the limbic alarm bells. We need to address the deficit of trust experienced by consumers.

What if we could create marketing with a purpose (not marketing with a cause). Imagine what that would mean for our customers. Imagine what it would mean for our employees.

And imagine what it would mean for the marketing industry.

Sound dangerous? Don’t worry, it’s just your limbic system acting up.
